High Care NDIS Services: Empowering Lives

Welcome to High Care NDIS Services, the leading disability services and support organization, dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals with disabilities through exceptional care and assistance.

High Care NDIS Services is a NDIS registered provider for

Accommodation / Tenancy Assistance

Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement

Assistance with travel/transport arrangements

Daily Personal Activities, Group and Centre Based Activities

High Intensity Daily Personal Activities

Household tasks, Participation in community/social and civic activities

Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages/transitions and supports

Community nursing care for high needs, Development of daily living and life skills

Early Intervention supports for early childhood, Innovative Community Participation

Therapeutic Supports, Plan Management

Assistance to access and/or maintain employment and/or education / Head Office / Active

Services we provide

Exceptional Disability Support Services

Disability Support Services provides formal assistance and accommodations to individuals with disabilities to promote inclusion and equal opportunities.

Enhancing Quality of Life Through Expert Therapy

Our expert therapy services are designed to enhance individuals’ quality of life, providing them with the support they need to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Community Inclusion for Enhanced Disability Support

Our Community Inclusion Programs aim to foster social integration and participation for individuals of all abilities, ensuring a sense of belonging and inclusivity.

Providing assistance in community access and daily program

Our service offers a comprehensive range of professional solutions to meet your needs with utmost precision and efficiency.

Transforming Lives: High Care's NDIS Success

Improving  communication and Well-being for a Kids with Autism through High Care NDIS Services. #disabilityservices #NDIS 

Transforming Lives: High Care's NDIS Success

Explore the ways in which expertly skilled experts can aid you through tailored assistance, guiding individuals through obstacles and attaining their aspirations. From facilitating access to accommodations, advocating for your needs, cleaning,  our dedication lies in fostering inclusivity and empowering individuals with disabilities to flourish in every facet of life.

Transforming Lives Through Exceptional Disability Support

 How High Care NDIS Services Improved the Quality of Life for a Client with Disability through Individualized  Support Programs.

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